Reiki is a holistic treatment originating in Japan and is used around the world as a method of energy healing. We all have energy running through our bodies and when this runs low or becomes blocked, we become stressed, unwell and our wellbeing suffers.

During a Reiki session, you’ll lie down fully clothed on a couch and listen to soothing music which will calm your senses. Reiki Practitioners use their hands which are placed a few inches above the body to release and unblock your energy flow leaving you refreshed and ready to cope with whatever life sends your way.

You can also book a distance Reiki healing session that is just as powerful as an in- person treatment. Distance Reiki is based on the principle that energy is not limited by time or space. Reiki Practitioners use the distance Reiki symbol where anyone at anytime can receive Reiki.

To prepare for a distance Reiki session you’ll need to find a comfortable quiet space to sink into for the duration of the treatment. The Reiki Practitioner will connect with your energy fields and will transmit Reiki energy to you.  

Benefits of Reiki

Most people will experience a deep state of relaxation with some falling asleep.

Reiki releases tension and anxiety, reduces pain, promotes calmness, assists with sleep and helps spiritual growth. 

There’s no right or wrong way to feel during or after a Reiki treatment- everyone will enjoy a unique experience.

Price List

Standard Prices: Reiki- In person– £45 for 50 mins  (Mavericks card can be used)

Distance Healing- £45 for 50 mins (Mavericks cards can be used)

Prioritising you time to reset and rebalance your energy is a necessity in the world we live in. Our energy can stagnate, run low causing us stress and ill health.

I’m Emma and have spent 20 years working in Mental Health. I have worked clinically in the NHS in both community and inpatient settings in the field of substance misuse and forensics. I’ve also worked as a Clinical Researcher on a number of national and international research trials ranging from Dementia care, Bipolar and Pregnancy to SARS-CoV-2 (Covid 19).

In my spare time I’m passionate about all things Reiki, sharing the benefits that Reiki can bring to our physical health, mental and spiritual wellbeing. I’m trained in Usui Reiki and am a registered member of the UK Reiki Federation.

A Reiki treatment will lead to deep relaxation invoking the body’s natural healing process. It also boosts mood and sleep, eases physical pain and improves quality of life.

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